Counseling and Consultancy counter functions in CMDA to help the Public on the aspects to be checked before buying a flat or a plot and also provides information about the rules to be complied with and procedures to be followed in obtaining Planning Permission.

Details on the land use zoning for a particular land and clarification on the points whether it is affected by any Land Acquisition proposals of any Government Agencies as reported to CMDA or whether it is affected by road widening as perMaster Plan/ Detailed Development Plans or whether it lies in any special category area viz. Coastal Zone Regulation Area, Aquifer Area banned for development, Red hills Catchment Area etc., can be obtained free of cost in writing t this counter by providing basic required information such as Survey Number,Block Number, Village name, Taluk etc. for the land for which information is sought for.

The officials present at the Counter discuss with the interviewer who seeks clarification and furnish required information across the counter.

The booklets/forms available for sale at the counseling and consultancy counter are:-

  1. Booklet of Development Regulation
  2. Hand book of general orders and circulars
  3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  4. Citizen's Charter
  5. Form 'A' application for sub-division/layout.
  6. Form 'B' Application for building approvals.
  7. Form 'C' an undertaking from the applicant/owner.
  8. Check list on the plans/Documents to be accompanied with Planning permission Applications for building construction for various uses.
  9. Check list on the Planning Permission Applications for Layout and sub-division.
  10. Checklist on the Reclassification requests.
  11. Village land use map under Second Master Plan.