Green Channel

  1. Developments eligible for consideration under Green Channel:

    1. Category of Buildings:

      Special Building and Group Development not exceeding 50 Dwelling Units or 1500 in commercial floor area.

    2. Site Requirement:

      1. The site shall be

        1. an approved one i.e. a plot lying in an approved layout or in an approved sub division or it has a plan approved by CMDA/local bodies earlier(evidenced by a copy of the same duly attested by a competent officer of the office that approved it earlier)

        2. an amalgamation of two or more approved sites(evidenced by a copy of the approved plan duly attested by a competent officer of the office that approved it earlier)

        3. in existence as such prior to 5.8.1975 (with documentary evidences duly attested by a notary public).

      2. The site shall be vacant one or would become vacant when proposed demolitions of all the structures are carried out. In cases of stand alone existing buildings (i.e. the existing buildings which could physically remain even after construction of the proposed building), the building shall be demolished before the issue of Planning Permission. Where the proposed construction cannot take place without demolishing the existing buildings, demolition plan and a demolition deed in the prescribed format shall be furnished. In this case, the Local Bodies shall be requested by CMDA to ensure the sanction of demolition plan before issuing the Building License/Permit.

      3. The site shall abut on a Public Road maintained by the Local Body concerned or Highways Department. Further it shall have the width satisfying Development Regulation requirements

      4. The site shall not be within a distance of

        1. 30 mts from the declared Burial/burning grounds in municipal and panchayat areas

        2. 500 mts from an existing live quarry

        3. 500 mts from an existing stone crusher

        4. 960 mts. from the run way end in the areas around Air Port and Aerodromes

        5. 100 mts from IAF boundary

        6. 30 mts from the Railway boundary

        7. 50 mts from Metro Rail alignment

      5. The site shall be free from passage of any over head HT/LT electric lines through the site or it shall not be in close proximity of the same.

      6. Shall be free from inundation, unless it is an approved site.

    3. Zoning:

      1. The site shall not lie in CRZ area or Aquifer Recharge Area.

      2. The site shall not lie in the area notified for acquisition under any of the Land Acquisition Acts proposed for acquisition by the Government/Government agencies /departments as per records available in CMDA.

      3. The Site shall be free from any street alignment/road widening/link roads proposed in Master Plan or Detailed Development Plans or where it is required to be provided considering the road net works around, since it involves gifting of the same through a registered gift deed.

    4. Others:

      1. If the site is not an approved one and only a pre 5-08-1975 existed site, then the proposed development shall not fall in the special sanction category under the Land Use Zoning in which the site lies, since permissibility under special sanction requires site inspection.

      2. Proposed development shall not involve receipt of premium FSI or TDR in the site.

      3. Proposed development shall not involve gifting of communal and recreational spaces, road widening and link road space.

      4. It shall fully conform to Land use and DR and shall not involve any relaxation of rules.

  2. Additional details / documents to be furnished:

    1. Certificate of the applicant who has right over the property to make developments proposed (in the prescribed format )

    2. Certificate of the qualified Architect/Engineer who shall also be a Class-I Licensed Surveyor (in the prescribed format )

    3. Plans and applications duly signed by both the applicant and the Architect/Engineer stated above.

    4. Even in the case of ordinary buildings, latest Patta with FMB sketch / PLR extract duly attested by Revenue Official not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar in favour of the present owner(s) for the site shall be furnished. However, old or earlier dated Patta in favour of the present owner is acceptable (where no transactions had occurred subsequently as evidenced by Encumbrance Certificate / Notarized Affidavit).

  3. Processing in CMDA and time limit for communicating decision:

    1. Site inspection by an official of CMDA prior to issue of planning permission shall be dispensed with and the planning permission application shall be processed based on the certificates of Architect/Licensed Surveyor on road status, road width, site dimensions etc, and a decision shall be taken

    2. The decision shall be communicated within 21 days from the date of admittance of Planning Permission Application in Green Channel. If the applicant does not receive the decision in his/her Planning Permission Application within 21 days he/she shall represent to Senior Planner concerned or Member Secretary, CMDA . On receipt of the representation, the stage of Planning Permission Application shall be brought to the notice of Member Secretary, CMDA by submission of file and appropriate further action taken.

    3. Every effort shall be taken to dispose of the Planning Permission Applications under the Green Channel, latest within 30 days from the date of its admittance.

    4. On receipt of Development Charge and other charges, the approved plan shall be forwarded to Local Body within a week and a copy of the approved plan shall be forwarded to Enforcement Cell concerned to take follow up action to check correctness of the certificates/compliance of undertaking given in the Green Channel and take necessary further action.

    5. No officer or staff in CMDA shall retain Planning Permission Application applied under Green Channel with him/her during the processing period, for more than 2 days. If the Officer or staff concerned is absent or on leave, then the junior officer/staff shall record the leave /absence of the officer or staff concerned and send it to the next officer or staff in the hierarchy for further processing /decision.

    6. The Deputy Planner concerned shall be the monitoring officer who shall submit a weekly report on the account of pendency including the stage of processing every week on Mondays to the Senior Planner concerned. .A consolidated report on compliance of the time limit shall be submitted to Member Secretary every month by the Senior Planner concerned

    7. CMDA reserves the right to convert an Application received in Green Channel in to a normal application, for reasons recorded in writing with the approval of Member Secretary, CMDA and it shall be communicated to the

  4. Conditions to be complied by the concerned Local Body:

    1. The local body shall ensure sanction of demolition plan in cases where it is a pre condition to be complied with before issuance of Building License/Permit

    2. It shall also confirm the road width, its status and its conformity to the DR before issuance of Building License/Permit.

  5. Verification by Enforcement Cell and action to be taken on deviated constructions and on misrepresentation of facts by the Registered Architect/Class I Licensed Surveyor

    1. Within 30 days from the date of issuance of Green Channel planning Permission, the site shall be inspected and the certification by Registered Architect / Engineer who shall also be a Class I Licensed Surveyor verified and report shall be submitted to Member Secretary, by the Deputy Planner (EC) concerned. If it is found that the Planning Permission has been obtained on misrepresentation of facts knowingly or unknowingly, action shall be initiated to revoke the Planning Permission accorded. Action shall also be initiated against the Registered Architect / Class I Licensed Surveyor concerned as per law for cancellation of the registration /License.

    2. EC shall monitor the developments periodically to ensure compliance of the approved plan and take necessary enforcement actions where required as per delegations of powers vested with the officials of EC.

    3. Senior Planner, EC shall send a report on the follow up actions taken on the Green Channel approved cases to Member-Secretary every month in a format to be prescribed.